Satmar Kashrus, Unparalleled Kashrus Standards
When you see the Satmar Kashrus stamp of approval, you know you are looking at a product that meets the highest standards of kashrus available on the market.
Founded with the one and only goal of providing a level of kashrus that transcends all others, the Satmar Kashrus stamp of approval attests to the fact that the industry's highest kashrus standards have been met in each product so you can feel at ease serving food under the Satmar Kashrus emblem at your tabl
Our team of experts supervises and guides each and every one of our food industry clients, making sure the kashrus process meets and exceeds every possible requirement while providing clients with the peace of mind of knowing we are there to help in every way that matters, from the mundane to the technical. Satmar Kashrus takes every aspect of awarding our kosher symbol seriously.
Kashrus doesn’t start at the end product, that’s already the end. Each and every product is followed and inspected from the very beginning with every single ingredient, down to every detail of the production. Hours upon hours of research and work is hidden in every package with the Satmar Kashrus label, making it the #1 choice when it comes to kashrus, and the reason tens of thousands rely on Satmar Kashrus as their primary hechsher.
When it comes to kosher, your consumers count on us, and your business can count on us too.
We are here to answer your questions! Need additional information? Just reach out to us. We're here for you.
Getting kosher certified by the prominent and trusted Satmar Kashrus organization enables your product line to expand to a whole new demographic of potential costumes. Tens of thousands of Orthodox Jewish families rely on Satmar Kashrus and are eager to try new products that qualify as kosher to serve to their families.
To set the wheels in motion for kosher certification, contact our team of professionals, who will quickly and efficiently guide you through the process.
Satmar Kashrus is a non-profit organization. Our sole purpose is to provide kosher-certified products that meet the standards of the Satmar community and the Orthodox Jewish people worldwide. Our fee will reflect only the actual expense of getting your product(s) certified, while other expenses, like our office, staff, advertising, etc., are covered through donations which allows us to keep our prices low and our client satisfaction high
Every product and customer is unique. We will work to make sure your product is on the market in the fastest and most convenient way possible while meeting our mutual goal of getting you up and running as soon as possible.
Let’s Start Your Kashrus Journey.